Explore. Learn. Conserve.
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Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged by expanding their creative imagination.
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Who is Berta?
I grew up loving animals and science and being outside getting dirty while I explored every inch of the outdoors I could. I always wanted to be a zookeeper when I grew up. That passion never dulled as some dreams do when you realize how big the world really is. As I got older and started working, I only fell more in love with science and our world animals. I have held a few wildlife positions as I worked my way through college. From wildlife rehabilitation technician, to raptor team member at a local nature center, to helping leading guided field trips through natural reserves and teaching kids about the wildlife around their homes. I am still working on my goal of working conservation in a zoo or as a zookeeper and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I want to keep exciting people about our world, its wildlife, and conservation.
In the News
Through blowing bubbles and other fun projects, Berta Chatman teaches biology and more
Monterey County Weekly Article:
Written By: Celia Jimenez
Marina Chambers Article:
Berta Chatman is kind, soft-spoken, and a wealth of knowledge. And she has a great way with kids.
She delivers science and math education to kids of all ages in a fun, interactive manner that doesn’t overwhelm them.
Written By: Hayley Swann